Allergy Awareness for Summertime

Summer brings the sunshine and the ice-cream, but for some it also means an awakening of allergies. It’s important to be aware of the different types of allergies brought on during summertime, and what might be triggering them. It’s also worth mentioning that even though you may never have suffered from allergies during summertime before, they can strike at any age. Once you know what might be triggering your allergies you can get round to treating them!

Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash.



The number one culprit for bringing on allergies during the summertime is pollen. The main source for pollen during the summer changes as the weather changes. Often during late Spring/early Summer, trees and grass are to blame for the influx of pollen in the air. As summer gets into full swing, weeds and ragweed are often held accountable for causing allergies.


Watery eyes, runny nose, rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever), sore throat, coughing, headaches and asthma.

Photo by Alex Jones on Unsplash

Photo by Alex Jones on Unsplash



Outdoor mold can bring on allergies during late summer. The spores from the mold are released into the atmosphere. When we breath we can sometimes end up breathing in these spores causing an allergic reaction. The inhalation of mold is often linked to asthma in the lungs, and hay fever in the nose.  


Coughing, itching, runny nose, congestion, and dry skin.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


Creepy Crawlies

Insects, like most of us in Ireland, seem to come out when the sun is in the sky. Their presence might seem harmless but if you’re noticing allergy type symptoms these little guys could be to blame. For those with a serious allergy, the likes of a bee or wasp sting could be fatal. So it’s important to take precautions.


Mild insect bites usually leave an itch or swell in the affected area. More severe symptoms include feeling dizzy, throat and/or tongue swelling or closing over, nausea or shock. It is important to seek emergency medical attention if a severe reaction occurs.



Although allergies to sunscreen are quite rare it’s important to keep in mind. Sometimes the product you’re applying to protect yourself from the sun can be the very thing irritating your skin. The fragrance, preservative or UV absorber are often the cause of a reaction. It can take days or sometime years of using the same product for a reaction to occur. “The most common sunscreen reaction is called ‘contact dermatitis’ and occurs in people who have a sensitivity to an ingredient found in sunscreen or cosmetics with a sunscreen component.” - Cancer Council Australia.


An allergic reaction to sunscreen often happens in those who already have sensitive skin or eczema sufferers. The reaction can cause redness, itching or stinging.

Photo by Dominika Gregušová from Pexels

Photo by Dominika Gregušová from Pexels