Create your own family health HQ with this GENIUS idea from Jinga Life

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Family health can be a handful - with so much information to deal with all the time.

This is especially time-consuming if you happen to be your family 'Jinga' - aka the person who handles all of the healthcare in the family.  (Remind you of anyone, mums?)

From doctors bills to appointments, vaccinations, allergies and everything in between - the Jinga is across all of it. And, however noble a role it may be, it can be a lot to deal with as part of a busy household.

Thankfully for all you gorgeous Jingas, you can now stay on top of your family's health via an easy-to-use, medical grade, digital platform called Jinga Life.

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This handy platform allows you to record and organise all health information in one single place. It is safe and secure, and you can coordinate with other family members, your doctors and any other caregivers who need to be aware of the health information of your children or loved ones.

Jinga Life is a digital central location for all medical information AND it connects to wearable devices (we're talking Fitbits etc) to benefit both the clinical and lifestyle of each member of your family.

It is an online health hub that will guide each member of your little team through important medical milestones.

It also means you can do what you do best -  focus on your family's healthcare without it being overwhelming.

The best part? You can trial it online for FREE for six months. Win-win. Let`s start your subscription now. 

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