New Year, New You?

Everyone goes into a new year with some sort of resolution. Get healthy, exercise more, join a gym, cut down on technology usually all make the list. However, come January, it’s not always as easy done as it was said. Don’t be disheartened if you’re not a completely new person with a completely new attitude just cos 2019 has officially commenced! Instead of using the term ‘resolutions’, we’re going to call them goals. This makes anything you want to achieve in 2019 as something to work towards. We have ideas of realistic goals as well as ways to achieve these goals.


Start Small

Don’t make multiple resolutions, or goals, at the start of the year. Pick one or two goals you would like to achieve by the end of 2019. This takes the pressure off, and allows you to focus all your energy on achieving your goal.

Get Specific

Now that you’ve set yourself a goal or two, narrow it down. If you want to lose weight don’t be vague. Set a goal of a certain amount of weight. This will act as a great motivator.

Photo by from Pexels

Photo by from Pexels

Enlist the Troops

It’s always best to inform family and friends of any goals you may be wanting to achieve. For example, if you are planning on cutting down on alcohol then it’s best to inform those who may invite you on a weekly night out. This way you can avoid temptation.

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Changing your attitude can take time, and so can achieving any goal you have set yourself. Should you have a hiccup, don’t beat yourself up. It’s important to remember how much of an achievement it is that you’ve tried. It’s even more important to not let any little hiccups get you off course, but to continue on to achieve your goal.

Stay Organised

Achieving any goal needs organisation. If you’re trying to get healthy, for example, staying on track and organised is key. If you are hoping to get you and your family’s health on track this year, Jinga Life is the perfect tool for you. Keep an eye on your family’s health, medical info, test results, and doctor’s appointments with Jinga’s app. Getting, and staying healthy has never been more achievable.

Photo by Crazy nana on Unsplash

Photo by Crazy nana on Unsplash