Self Isolating? Here are some tips for Working From Home

The spread of coronavirus has caused us to have to adapt to a new way of life. For many of us, that means working from home is the new normal. You’ve probably worked the odd day from home if your job permits, but working full time from home can be a bit of a shock to the system. 

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We’ve put together our top tips for working from home during self-isolation. 

Stick to a Routine 

Sticking to your usual routine is very important. Try and wake up at the time you normally would, grab some breakfast, maybe do a bit of exercise to make up for the usual time it would take to commute to work and then settle down to work. Having some routine to your day will help you ease back into work when things get back to normal. It will also help to break up your day, and make you feel as though you’ve achieved something with your time. 

Get Dressed 

It’s very tempting to get up, pull on a dressing gown and lounge about on your laptop all day when working from home, only making yourself presentable when it’s time for a conference call. However, getting dressed for the day really helps to focus your mind and get into ‘work mode.’ You don’t have to get into your nicest trouser suit everyday, even changing from PJ’s to some clean loungewear will help separate your wind-down time to your work down. When your house is both your work environment and your home environment it can be difficult to adapt. Small things like getting dressed can really help. 

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Designate a Work Zone 

Whether it’s your kitchen table, a desk in your spare room, or a small table in the attic, find a space where you are comfortable to work and designate it as your work zone. Most people recommend separating where you work from where you sleep as it can be difficult to switch off. If you are in a confined space and your bedroom is the only place you can get some peace and quiet then even turning your desk (or makeshift desk) away from your bed so that you can’t see it will help. 

Set Some Rules

Whether you are sharing your home with your family, your partner, your friends or housemates, it’s very important that you set out some rules for working at home. Explain to your kids that whilst they are doing school work in#tyg the kitchen you will be getting some work done in the spare room. If you and your partner/friends/housemates are working from home it is important to decide how you are going to share the space. If there’s only one desk maybe make out a schedule of who gets to use it and when. If you need peace and quiet maybe set the attic or garden shed up as your office. Deciding before you actually settle into your new routine will mean fewer hiccups along the way.