A GDPR compliant health solution right at your finger tips!

In this day and age it would seem we have access to information at our fingertips. Anything we need to know can be typed into a search engine and we are flooded with an abundance of knowledge. However, when it comes to our own health information things get a bit trickier. Whilst we may be privy to information like different celebrities birthdays, and what the newest fashion trends are, information based around our own personal health and wellbeing is often harder to access.

You would think information based around you and your health would be easy to access, it is after all yours. However, there are a lot of procedures you have to go through in order to access any of your previous medical records! Of course there is a sense of confidentiality surrounding the process of acquiring information about previous health. The lack of information we are given about our own health is extremely poor. But things are changing with the recent introduction of GDPR…


What Is GDPR?

General Data Protection Regulation is a new Act that came into effect on 1st May 2018. It was implemented to replace the Data Protection Acts of 1988 and 2003. GDPR is EU wide, and ensures that data is handled appropriately by companies, and government bodies. The law increases the extent of data protection laws. Anyone handling data across the EU is now under greater obligation to protect said data. GDPR also increases the rights of “data subjects” i.e. you, to access their information, as well as the rights to modify and erase.  

Why Does This Matter?

The way information is handled and processed is always going to be a sensitive subject. Knowing exactly where your information is stored, and how it can be used is a comfort. Especially when it comes to data surrounding you and your families health. There have been many cases of medical information being misused within our healthcare system. With the introduction of GDPR, medical practitioners now have clear outlines on what data can and can’t be accessed. While that’s all well and good for the medical side of things, it can still feel a bit confusing for you. How exactly do you handle your own medical info? Where should it be stored, and how important is it to keep track of any way? After all, it’s hard to keep on top of every detail...

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Is there a solution I can use?

While the new GDPR means you as a patient, are now more entitled to access your information. There still hoops to jump through, as we mentioned above. Often, you need a lot of detail to request certain medical documentation. Times and dates of appointments etc need to be recalled in order to access data. We know that a busy life usually leads to not being able to record or remember precise details. This is where Jinga Life steps in.

In using Jinga Life you are recording your own medical data as you go. Keeping track of appointment times and dates, test results, medical images (X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans etc). You are also able to record any medical conditions/illnesses as well as medications prescribed for these. The best bit? Jinga Life allows you, the primary caregiver or Jinga, to share and access this data with your family members. And rest assured, Jinga Life is fully GDPR compliant.

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Do not miss your chance to sign up to Jinga Life completely free and start taking control of your family’s health today!