Getting Ready To Go…

  • Essential Items To Pack

If travelling with babies, we can’t stress how important it is to remember to pack essential items like plenty of nappies. There are a lot of things you can purchase in local shops once on holiday, but wandering the aisles looking for a particular brand or size doesn’t scream relaxing holiday, so you’re better off packing some from home. Swim nappies are also good to pack if you’re venturing to the pool!

We also recommend wet wipes both in checked and carry-on luggage. Sticky situations are no fun in a busy airport. For on the go cleaning, wet wipes will be your saviour, trust us!

  • How to Pack Light

Going on holiday is great, the days and weeks beforehand are filled with excitement and anticipation. There’s usually just one thing we dread when it comes to escaping the country for a while, and that’s packing. You’re no longer just packing for yourself, and used to be flinging a few outfits into a suitcase and hoping for the best; now it seems to be a military operation that must be conducted with precision and speed. The key here is not to panic and pack everything but the kitchen sink. Packing something “just in case”, usually ends up in said item never being looked at, let alone making it out of the confines of your suitcase.

Some tips to remember when packing for a holiday with young kids:

  • Reduce the amount of stuff you’re packing for you.

Parenthood is all about selflessness, right? That doesn’t stop just because you’re on vacation. If you’re trying to save money by not checking a lot of bags, you’ve got to make the most out of the space you’ve got. When travelling with young kids you need to take a lot of stuff just for daily living. Make room for this by packing light when it comes to your own items. Choose versatile pieces of clothing that can be mixed and matched, be realistic when it comes to the amount of shoes you actually need, and buy items like shampoo and body wash at your destination to cut down on weight.

  • Roll, don’t fold

Rolling your clothes when packing leaves more space than if you were to fold said items. Rolling your clothes also means less wrinkles, and you can stuff small items into shoes to save on space!

Photo by Jeremy Ricketts on Unsplash
  • Be ruthless

To avoid those hefty overweight baggage fees at the airport, you’ll have to show no mercy when it comes to unpacking the bits and pieces that you really don’t need. You don’t change your outfit 3 or 4 times at home, so it’s very likely you won’t do so on holiday either.

Check if you’re hotel supplies items like irons and hairdryers, if they do there’s really no need to pack your own, no matter how tempting it might be.

  • Remember to Pack Snacks & Amusements

For the waiting time in the airport and the plane journey itself, snacks and amusements are very important. Listening to “I’m hungry” for hours isn’t the best way to get in holiday mode! It’s important to check the airports regulations when it comes to bringing baby formula and other food items through security before you leave.

If you’re flying long haul, it might be a good idea to pack a tablet with your child’s favourite movies or shows downloaded. Whilst most planes flying long haul offer an in-flight TV, if it doesn’t have anything your child likes it could be a very long flight! Don’t allow your child to sit on a device for the entirety of your holiday. The memories they make with you as a family even at a very young age are very important, they can’t do this if they’re stuck to a screen!