How To Age Like A Celeb!

Jennifer Anniston always takes care of her diet.Credit:

Jennifer Anniston always takes care of her diet.


Celebrities seem to have some kind of anti-ageing gene. What could be a case of getting famous and being offered a potion for eternal youth looks wise, is really a case of maintaining a healthy diet and exercise. 

We’re going to chat through some of the things celebs do to age healthily. 

Drink Plenty of Water

Marcela Ferreira*, our specialist in Nutrition says, “as you age, your body’s ability to conserve water decreases, so you don’t feel thirsty as often. However, your body still needs water.” Water is amazing for the body, it helps us focus and remain alert. Water is also great for anti-ageing purposes. In an interview with Yahoo! Lifestyle, Jennifer Anniston was asked about her secret to a youthful complexion, “its hydration” she claimed.  

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Cut Down on Dairy and Sugar and Alcohol

Julianna Moore claims cutting down on these items is the reason for her yoga abilities. Moore told ABC, “I was in yoga that week, I was so much more flexible. My teacher said, 'Wow, you're really bendy.' I'm like, 'That's what it is. It's the food!' Because then you realize how important diet is. Dairy, sugar, alcohol, all those things affect you." Is there any truth behind Moore’s theory? Healthline reports on the 11 foods that cause ageing remarks “dairy may increase inflammation in the body, which leads to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of premature ageing.” Sugar is also on the list, “sugar contributes to the formation of collagen-damaging AGEs.” Adopting a healthier diet as we age will not help  our insides function better, but helps ward off wrinkles. 

Eat Ancient Grains 

This diet has been adopted by Angelina Jolie. According to Marie Claire, “She’s into eating products made from ancient grains and raves about their health benefits. She claims they provide her with nutrients she can’t find anywhere else, plus shinier skin.” Healthline report that “studies have linked ancient grain consumption to health benefits, such as lower heart disease risk, better blood sugar control, and improved digestion.” Of course, these ancient grains should be eaten as part of a balanced diet. 

Get Some Shut-Eye 

Adults between 26-64 years old are recommended to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Older adults of 65+ need 7-8 hours per night, National Sleep Foundation via Helpguide.

Getting the right amount of sleep is vital for us to function. Sleep is also essential for ageing healthily. Penelope Cruz told InStyle“I remember her [her mother] sounding like a broken record telling us to eat our veggies and go to sleep.” Getting the correct amount of sleep can be difficult as life tends to get in the way, however it’s essential in healthy ageing.

*Marcela Ferreira* is a Nutritionist, specialising in Obesity. She looks at taking care of the whole person, meaning physically, mentally, spiritually and socially- on all levels of his/her being. Marcela is currently studying a fundamental course in Functional Nutrition. If you would like to know more about her treatment/ therapies: you can contact her via

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