How to Exercise Like Celebs and Look Amazing Forever

Photograph by Cedric Lim

Photograph by Cedric Lim

As we age, exercising can get a bit more difficult. Our bodies might not be able to handle the same level of impact of exercising we did when we were younger. Exercise is beneficial for both the body and mind and so it’s vital to make some effort to exercise as we age. 

Whilst there’s no need to become a fitness fanatic, some gentle and simple exercises can really help slow down ageing. We have some tips for healthy ageing and how exercising can help the ageing process:

Hit the Yoga Mat!

As we age, Yoga can help with certain diseases associated with ageing such as arthritis and osteopenia. Yoga Journal says “Exercise and yoga help you maintain the muscle mass you have and continue to add more.” This can help with the conditions mentioned above, as well as issues such as Spinal Stenosis and Tendonitis. Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston are fans of yoga, you can watch her trainer’s routine here.

Go For A Swim!

Zoomer states that “a study, by Dr. Steven Blair at the University of South Carolina, has shown swimming dramatically reduces the risk of dying. The study spanned 32 years and followed 40,000 men, aged 20 to 90. Those who swam had a 50 per cent lower death rate than runners, walkers and those who didn’t exercise at all.” Popping down to your local pool or even a dip in the sea (make sure the area is suitable for swimming) could have great effects on your healthy ageing journey. Swimming is also great for mobility, as well as being good for your mind. Nicole Kidman credits swimming to her fitness, Hello.

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Build Up Your Muscles

Our muscles grow as we get older, but in our “30s, you start to lose muscle mass and function. The cause is age-related sarcopeniaWeb MD. That’s why it’s important that we work to build up our muscles as we age. We’re not suggesting you go entering any weight lifting contests, but making a conscious decision to work on your muscles is an important part of healthy ageing. Weight lifting, resistance training, and squats can all help build muscle. Your capabilities may vary depending on your age. It’s best to consult a doctor before starting any new exercise regimen. Talking to a personal trainer can also be helpful in planning out a muscle building exercise that is specifically tailored to you. According to, celebs like Eva Longoria and Hilary Swank are big into lifting. 

Dance It Out!

Heart health is extremely important as we age. Getting in some cardio exercise can be majorly beneficial to our heart health. Dancing is an enjoyable way to get in some cardio exercise, depending on how vigorous the dancing is of course. Dancing is also good for your flexibility. Getting out with friends and joining a dance class will not only help with healthy ageing physically but also will do wonders for your mental health. Known for her singing and dancing career, Jennifer Lopez incorporates dance into her workout routine, according to Tracy Anderson.