How To Manage Stress As You Age


We all know that life comes with its stresses and strains. Whilst stress usually has a negative effect on us at any age, it can be particularly hard to manage as we get older. This can be due to a number of reasons. Harvard Health highlights instances such as “your body can't physically handle stress the same way it did when you were younger. Your heart and lungs may not have the capacity they once did, and your body may have a harder time recovering from stressful events.” 

As we age, coping with mental stress can become difficult due to lack of a good night’s sleep, “as you age, you may not sleep as soundly, which can lead to higher levels of stress hormones in the brain.” There are ways you can manage your stress as you age, keep reading to find out how. 

Get some Zzz's 

Stress can cause a vicious cycle when it comes to sleep. We need sleep to help combat stress, but we often lose sleep over our stress. The best thing to do is to try and break this cycle. Everyone differs, so it might take some time to find what aids you in getting a good night's sleep. Here are some of our tips: 

  • Aromatherapy - Restonic reported on a study conducted in Wesleyan University in which “researchers monitored [participants] sleep cycles with brain scans and found that lavender increased slow-wave sleep, instrumental for slowing heartbeat and relaxing muscles.” It’s best to consult a doctor before undertaking aromatherapy as it does slow the heart rate. 

  • Get Up - it might sound counterproductive, but Web MD recommends that if you are not asleep with 20 minutes of hitting the hay, get up. Return to bed only when you feel tired. 

  • Drink less fluids at night time - The urge to use the toilet can wake us up at night, especially as we age. 

Practice Meditation

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Meditation has been used across many different cultures for centuries. It can be especially good for stress management as it encourages you to take the time to focus on managing your stress. reports that “research has shown that those who practice meditation regularly recover from stressful situations more easily and experience less stress in the future. They also have improved blood pressure and a stronger immune system.” Meditation doesn’t take long and can be done almost anywhere. You can add apps to your phone or tablet that talks you through meditation. Headspace, The Mindfulness App, and Calm are amongst the top rated apps for meditation. 

Feeling Puzzled? 

Puzzles have been proven to be good for stress management. By doing a jigsaw or crossword puzzle (or whatever puzzle takes your fancy) you are forcing your mind to concentrate on something. This sharpens your focus and can help rid your mind of any outside thoughts that may be stressing you out. Puzzles can also help your creativity levels, improve your cognitive skills and memory.