Ireland’s Parental Leave Extension: What To Do With Your Extra Time With Baby This Festive Season

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There was a lot of back and forth recently over what was going to happen with parental leave in Ireland. On November 1st we got some clarity. The Journal reports “new mothers and fathers will each be entitled to two weeks of ‘paid parental leave’ within the first year of their child being born, at a rate of €245 per week.” The two weeks outlined are in addition to the existing number of weeks given to parents at the moment. 

This is great progress for Ireland. But what can you do with these extra weeks you have off work with your baby? This is especially poignant with Christmas approaching as it’s a time all about a family of course! We’ve put together some things you can do with your extended parental leave: 

Get Some More Rest 

Parenthood is exhausting, we know. With these extra few weeks make sure to rest up. Getting some rest when your little one rests means you’ll be able to put more energy into their awake time. With Christmas approaching, you’ll need a lot of energy!

Plan A Trip  

We’re not talking about hiking up The Himalayas or backpacking across Europe, doing so with a little one could prove very difficult. But it’s good to get out of the house and see other grown-ups… Planning a short trip to see your parents or siblings could be very beneficial to you and your baby, both of you get to spend time and bond with your family. This is especially true this time of year. 

Go On A Date 

When a baby arrives they are (naturally) the centre of your universe, but it’s important you and your other half make some time for yourselves. Plan a fun Christmas themed date, you have plenty of time with the extended parental leave! 

Join A Group 

When your partner’s paternity leave ends, you may find yourself at home on your own a lot with your baby. Whilst this is great for bonding, you might feel a bit lonely. This is where joining a baby group can help. Check your local area for different groups or classes and get out and meet other Moms. It’s great for your baby to start socialising too. Christmas time is all about friendships after all… 

Plan Childcare 

You are more than likely thinking about childcare from the get-go if you are planning on returning to work after your maternity leave ends. These 2 extra weeks gives you that little bit more time to get everything in order when it comes to planning out your childcare routine. 

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Make Festive Memories 

If you and your partner find yourselves on parental leave around the Holidays you can really make the best of your first Christmas with your little one. If you have older kids it can really be a Christmas to remember. Visiting Santa’s grotto, making festive treats, decorating your house, and doing festive arts and crafts! Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures for scrapbooking!