Our Top Tips For Healthy Ageing 


"Ageing is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength." - Betty Friedan 

Ageing is inevitable, it is simply a natural part of life. As we grow older, we can come across problems with our general health, we may not be able to exercise as easily, and our minds might not be as sharp as it once was. It’s not all doom and gloom though, just because we are getting older doesn’t mean that we can’t take steps to embrace ageing in a healthy way! 
Here are some of our top tips for ageing healthily: 

Be A (Super) Foodie! 

‘Superfood’ is a bit of a buzz word nowadays, but studies have shown that eating certain foods can help to combat the signs of ageing. From eating papaya for things like skin elasticity (gotta keep those wrinkles at bay) to eating nuts to lower your cholesterol, adding certain superfoods to your diet is a great way to target ageing healthily.

Get A Vit Hit 

It’s important to get a hit of vitamins and nutrients at all stages of life. As our bodies age, however, it may become harder for our bodies to produce these vitamins naturally. Ensuring we get a top-up of them from external sources is very important. Vitamins and nutrients are great for reducing inflammation, bone strength, and even helping to prevent certain cancers. 

Look After You 

An obvious one yes, but oftentimes ageing means you might be caring for an elderly parent or looking after grandchildren. So taking the time to look after yourself can really help in ageing healthily. Embrace the celeb way of life and take some time to adapt your lifestyle to help age gracefully! 


Exercising might be the last thing on your mind as you age but in order to keep up your strength and muscle mass, it’s vital to get some form of exercise in weekly. Obviously, we’re not encouraging you to enter any triathlons or become a deadlift, but adding some low impact exercises to your routine can really help as you age.


Reduce Stress 

As we’ve said, ageing can mean you’re expected to look after older parents or young grandchildren. This responsibility can leave stress levels very high. Many things can speed up the ageing process, but if they can be avoided or managed then it’s important to reduce stress factors. By taking some time to combat stress as we age, we can improve our mental and physical state. 

Look At The Alternatives 

There are many different forms of alternative therapies that can help with the ageing process. Reiki healing can work in tandem with medical-based treatments in order to speed up recovery and help combat age-related illnesses. As we age, we can also use the power of thought and manifestation to target ageing. 

Keep Track 

Getting older can involve a lot more trips to the doctor or hospital, as well as extra medications. This can be slightly overwhelming and it can become difficult to keep track of all of our medical information. With Jinga Life, you can keep track of all of your medical information right from the palm of your hand! Sharing your medical data and history with medical professionals, family and friends are made super easy with Jinga Life’s platform.