How To Keep Track Of Your Pregnancy: 5 Ways Jinga Life Can Help

Pregnancy is an exciting journey, it’s also a long journey. If it’s your first pregnancy it’s a whole new experience and keeping track of everything can get overwhelming. Jinga Life is a great platform to help you keep track of your pregnancy.


1.Remember Your Appointments

“Baby brain” is a subject of much debate, however when you’re pregnant you can have hundreds of thoughts racing through your mind. Trying to keep track of everything by yourself can be overwhelming. If baby brain is something you feel is affecting you, Jinga Life can help you by allowing you to record your appointments on your phone in a safe place. Take the stress out of trying to remember doctor and scan appointments.

2. Keep Test Results In The Same Place

With pregnancy comes various health tests. Blood tests and blood pressure among these. Pregnancy can also mean that you are hopping from various doctors to hospitals. Take the worry out of relying on these places to get your info correct and store all of your health data yourself on your phone or tablet.

Photo by Seth Reese on Unsplash.

Photo by Seth Reese on Unsplash.

3. Store All Of Your Scans

Jinga Snap allows you to store all of the images from your various scans throughout your pregnancy. Not only does this mean you have access to images of your growing baby in the womb, but you can also share these images with family and friends. No longer are you dependent on a printed image of the scan, now you can have numerous copies to share around at the touch of a button (or tap of a screen these days…).

4. Keep Everyone In The Loop

More often than not, it’s not just you and your partner experiencing your pregnancy. Both your and your other half’s parents will want to be informed, perhaps your siblings and closest friends as well. Jinga Life allows you to share details of your pregnancy with your nearest and dearest should you choose to. Not only images from scans, but different appointments or results from tests. This can prove useful should you need someone to attend an appointment with you, or should a complication occur in your pregnancy and you are unable to convey previous information about your pregnancy to medical professionals.

5. Post Pregnancy - Keep A Record Of Baby’s Health

Once your baby has arrived, the appointments and check ups will continue. Life has also become a tad bit more hectic with the arrival of your new baby. Jinga Life allows you to add family members, meaning you can keep track of everyone’s medical information. Add baby’s appointments for injections and boosters to your calendar. Record their medical data from day one, giving you peace of mind as they grow.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash.