Keeping Track of Your Health As You Age: How Jinga Life Can Help


As we age, life can become a little hectic and it can be harder to keep track of your health. On top of that, you might be a parent, a carer, a Jinga and need to keep track of not only your own health but your family’s health too. This is where Jinga Life comes in. Jinga Life allows you to track and manage your health, so that you can age healthily and happily. 

Jinga Life allows you to...

Monitor and Track Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases almost go hand in hand with ageing. As we get older, we’re more than likely going to find ourselves suffering from one chronic illness or another. Whilst chronic illnesses never really go away, they can be managed. Jinga Life can make this easier as it allows you to track and record your illness, as well as any medication you may be on. Not only can you track your health, but you can also add family members health information. So if your spouse suffers from a chronic illness, you can keep track of that too, all in one location.

Have All Your Medical Information On You 

Ageing can mean more frequent visits to the doctor or hospital. This often entails a lot of different information from a lot of different sources. Keeping track of your medical info can become overwhelming. With Jinga Life, you can record all of your medical information in one place. This will make your trips to the doctor much easier. 


Get Your Images Instantly 

Falls and tumbles can become more frequent as we age. Our bones become brittle overtime, as well as our balance not being what it used to be can mean things like x-rays and scans may be needed. With Jinga Snap, you can view your scans and x-rays straight away. Not only this, but you can share the scans with friends and family, as well as your doctor. 

Keep Everyone In The Loop 

As we age, it’s important to keep your family in the loop when it comes to your health. Your children, siblings, or spouse may be ringing you asking for information on your latest medical appointment or checkup. With Jinga Life, you can update your medical information easily, and keep everyone in the loop. This means you don’t have to spend your day answering the same questions from several different people. 

Jinga Life is GDPR compliant, so all of your information is kept safe and will only be shared with those you choose to share it with. 

Have you signed up for Jinga Life yet? It’s free!